When you've just had a baby, you can often find yourself so worn out from taking care of your new child that you don't feel like doing anything, much less exercise. This makes it rare that you will want to go to the gym or even go outside for a run or a walk. It's also worth noting that your new child will need to keep you close at all times. Not only will you lack the motivation for working out, you'll have to work hard to find the time for it as well. Here is some good news: in this article we will outline three things you can do in your own home, while your baby takes a nap, that will help you quickly shed pounds and get back to your pre-baby weight. Isn't that great newsIf you aren't happy with the pounds you have gained while you were pregnant, don't freak out. You can drop those pounds quickly if you know what to do. You may be thinking that you will not have the time to exercise because your baby is so young that it needs to have you super close by almost all of the time. However, your baby probably sleeps a lot. If you get used to working out while your baby takes a nap, you won't have to wait a long time to see good results. Here are three specific things that you can do while your baby is napping that will supercharge your day and help you feel and look as good as you want!When you first discovered that you were pregnant, your doctor probably told you to start gaining weight.

Gaining weight is a normal part of being an expectant mother. Eating for two makes it pretty easy to gain weight. Now that your baby has been born, however, you probably want to start shedding pounds as quickly as possible. You want to get your figure back to its pre-pregnant state. The good news is that this article contains hints to help you get your figure back after having a baby. Try any or all of them and you will be bound to get back into your old clothes very quickly!Most women who give birth find that they have excess fat that they need to lose so as to fit into their old clothes again. After giving birth, you are not going to feel even a little bit like doing a bunch of extra exercise and you have already gotten used to a high calorie diet so switching to a lower calorie diet is going to seem too stressful. The good news is that if you follow the tips that we will outline in this article, you should have an easier time losing your baby weight in a healthy way. If you have just given birth and you are desperate to lose weight, you can use these three hints and you should get back to your pre-baby weight in no time.If you just had a baby and you want nothing more than to return to your pre-baby weight, you should have a few post-pregnancy workouts in your arsenal that you can perform daily or every other day so that you can lose that weight as soon as possible. Luckily, there are many exercises out there that are not only effective in helping you lose the weight, but they're also fun and exciting. With the following tips you'll be able to supercharge that workout in order to get you back down to pre-pregnancy weight before you know it.

Leg Kicks: This is a great workout for getting your pulse going and it also makes your abs rock-hard. To start, lie down on your side with your body bent at the waist in a pike position. Keep the bottom leg bent for balance and then straighten your top leg and bring it as far forward as you can manage. With your leg up in the air, move it so that it hovers over your bottom leg. Repeat this motion ten times without lowering your leg. Roll over and repeat on the other side. Do this three times on each side and you'll see results quickly.The Reverse Curl: A woman who has just had a baby will have to work to get her abs back in shape; reverse curls can help with this. For this particular exercise you need to lie down with your knees bent and look at the ceiling. With your feet on the floor near your hips, raise your hips off of the floor while you keep your head and arms on the floor and your neck muscles relaxed (don't forget to breathe in and out). Lower yourself back to your starting position and then start over. Try to work up to 20 reps if you can handle it. If you can't, keep doing it until you can do 20. Then work toward fifty reps.

This exercise will really strengthen your abs which will help you lose that pooch and it will also help you walk straighter and with more confidence than ever before.Drawing In: This is a fantastic exercise for new moms because in addition to helping you shed pounds, it will make your back, your abs and your core stronger and, in addition to improving your posture, it helps your metabolism as well. In this exercise you need to lower yourself onto all fours and put your hands right under your shoulders. Then, pull your abs in and make sure that your spine and neck are in a straight line. Breathe in through your nose while keeping your back straight and then breathe out while pulling your navel up and in without moving your spine. Do this twelve times and repeat for three sets to get a good abdominal and core workout.Yoga: Yoga is an exercises that strengthens your body and helps you get back in shape from toning and stretching. Yoga is great because it is slow and virtually non-impact so it is easy to do while your baby takes a nap. There are lots of videos online that you can use to get through a workout--there are even some apps for smartphones that you can use to teach you yoga moves. Once you have been practicing yoga for a while, you'll see that you are feeling strong and good and that your clothing has started to fit better.Many are not aware of the weight loss benefits of Latin style dancing. Dancing in this manner helps you burn calories, feel more sexy and shed those pounds quickly. You will be able to learn a few latin moves from online videos or workout dvd's. Dancing is a great way to get a workout without feeling like you are working out. Latin Style dancing is one exercise you won't have a problem sticking with as you have fun and lose the weight. Arm Flutters: This is an awesome exercise that you can do right next to your baby's crib. Simply lay down flat on your back and then put your legs up into the air while keeping them straight. Pick your torso up off of the ground a little bit and lift your arms while making sure they stay straight. Lower yourself to the floor and repeat 20-50 times. This will make your core stronger and helps you to burn lots of calories. That baby weight is sure to come off in record time as long as you do this exercise at least three times per week.

The Super Crunch: This is an ab exercise that should be a part of every workout after giving birth. In this particular exercise lie down, bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands behind your head, breathe in and out and, while holding your abs in, lift your shoulders and head off of the floor. Stay in that position as you lift your knees up to touch your elbows while you also lift your hips up off of the ground a little bit. Slowly go back to your starting position. Do three sets of twelve to twenty and your abdominals will be rock hard in no time, and that weight will start coming off too.

Bridge Squeeze: In this exercise, you need to lie on your back with bent knees and your feet flat on the floor. Put a pillow between your knees and draw in your abs. Take a breath in and then let it back out again while you tighten your posterior muscles and raise your hips to make a straight line with your body 3 Day Diet. Squeeze the pillow for the count of two, then lower your hips. Do this ten times in a row for one set and do three sets.

That is a lot of calories for doing only a few stretching movements. You can find moves for your workout through DVDs, online videos or even books. Perhaps the best "post-natal" exercise you can do if you want to lose weight is to lie on your back and keep your knees bent. Put your hands behind your head and take a deep breath in. Then, as you contract your abs, lift your head and your shoulders off of the floor while you breathe out. Then, move your legs into a forty five degree angle while you extend your arms, keeping your palms down. Inhale for five beats and, while you do, pump your arms in a rhythmic manner. Then breathe back out for five beats. Do 100 of these each day and you'll get into great shape very quickly. Breathing through forearm planking is another fantastic weight loss tool. Your next step in this process is to lower yourself until your forearm rests on the floor below you. Now that your forearms are on the floor straighten your legs so that the body will make a straight line. Inhaling deeply through the nose and letting it out through the mouth while squeezing the abs and hold the position. The next stage of this exercise is a pushup type movement. Repeat these steps three times. These exercises strengthen your core and help correct poor posture and you'll look better too Jennifer Aniston Diet.

Air Bike: In this exercise you lay down on the floor on your back and raise one knee so that it meets the opposing elbow (left knee to right elbow) and then lowering back down and doing the same thing with the other limbs (right knee to left elbow). Then just keep going on each side. This is a calorie burner and it will strengthen your abs, which is really important for all post-natal women.The Bicycle: No, this does not involve riding a real bike. This is an abdominal exercise that is great for post-natal women looking to lose the baby weight. First, lie down on the floor with your knees bent and your calves parallel to your floor. Put your hands behind your head and inhale and then exhale while you draw your abs in. Keeping your butt relaxed, bring your left knee up to your right shoulder while you extend your right leg. Your head and your shoulders need to raise up off the ground during this movement. Then return to your starting position and then repeat the same on the other side. Do three sets of twelve to twenty and you'll soon see that baby fat melting away.Walking: Harvard commissioned a study in 2007 that proved that a half an hour of walking every day improves a woman's likelihood of losing her post-pregnancy weight. The women who participated in the study lost 11 pounds and most women had lost the weight they wanted to lose by their baby's first birthday. So get outside and breathe in that fresh air! While the time of day that you walk is not important, it is important to choose baby friendly weather if you want to take the baby outside with you.

It is important to make sure you take lots of fluids with you. Do this every single day and you will drop your weight really quickly.Lunges: Lunges work the major muscle groups in your legs, which means they are going to be great calorie burners. Not only will lunges help you lose weight, they will build your leg muscles which means that you'll even be burning your calories while you rest. To do a lunge properly, stand with your feet hip-width apart, put your hands on your hips and draw your abs in. Move your left foot forward until you knee is bent at a ninety degree angles. Keeping your right leg straight behind you, bend your right knee until it almost touches the floor. Stand up slowly and then switch legs and repeat the action. Repeat this five times on each side for a fantastic workout.The classic crunch is an exercise most people already know how to do that helps greatly. To do a crunch you simply lie on the ground with hand behind your head and knees bent. The next thing to do is inhale as you life your head and shoulders off the ground and exhale as you tighten your abs and lower your head and shoulders back to the floor. Now you simply bring your ribs in towards the hips as you relax your butt. Now slowly recover to your initial position. As you gain endurance you'll want to increase to 50 at some point. Once you've reached your goal of 50 try adding weight to increase weight. These exercises, if you do them often enough, can give you great results quickly. You can do this while your new baby takes a nap and you can spread them out throughout the day instead of trying to do all of them in one block of time. Of course, if you do them all at once (or any exercises) for a 20-30 minute block of time three times a week will help you shed the pounds even faster. So, if you do all of these exercises as often as you are able, you'll find that you can fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans before you know what has happened.

Each of these exercises are doable while your baby is sleeping. Even if you have to break up your larger workout into several smaller ones throughout your day (instead of doing it all at once) that is still a lot better than not doing any working out at all. You can lose your pregnancy weight, you just have to want to do it. Thankfully, each of these three exercises will help you get there--if you do them often enough.

If your weight makes you unhappy after you have your baby, you'll need to do something about that. The good news is that the weight loss methods in this article are easy to do whenever and where ever it is convenient for you. Just make sure that you do proper warm ups and cool downs before and after each exercise routine. There are lots of things you can do to lose weight but these three tips are a great starting point.

There you go! Those are some of the best ways for you to lose weight until you get back to your pre-pregnancy weight HCG For Weight Loss. Try these tips and you will see that it shouldn't take much time at all to get back to your old size. Watching your diet closely and keeping up with these routines for three or more days per week will help you see the weight fall off quicker than you ever thought possible. Keep it up and in just a few weeks you should be able to see great results, which should give you the motivation to continue until all of your pregnancy weight is gone.